Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Yesterday during our health session we had the chance to visit a local hospital of Elbason and the Roma Community.This was my first taste and a pretty good visual of the problems full faced in Albania, health. ( To name one that is) It's one of those situations where you don't want to believe the conditions are the way they are, but then I would just be closing my eyes to what is really going on. It was a look into our daily routines of what it could look like.( When we get to our permanent site working in a hospital or a clinic) I sometimes have a hard time not getting wrapped up in all the bad that something has to offer as probably most people do. It's hard to just go on a tour like we did and not feel something, to not feel like it shouldn't have to be this way. I can't help it, but sometimes just wear my emotions on my face. But I believe that is where my passion is. We also went to the Roma Community which is a whole different story. This is a community that is more poor, less educated, and darker complected than most Albanians. ( When you think you know suffering, you are reminded that you will never understand it) We went into a Roma Center where a woman was giving a lecture on Breast Cancer and a demonstration on condom use. This is where you could see the clashes. Most of the women first off were coming in and out of the room, talking loudly among each other and then when this demonstration took place about half of them got up and left. I guess the verdict was that this was shameful and they were embarrassed to even witness such things. During all this comotion I had to get up and leave because I was getting sick to my stomach. I am sure that my nerves and emotions got the best of me at this point and I really just needed some air. As I sat outside I began to think what a shame it is that these people have to feel ashamed when it comes to something like this. This is how people are misinformed and never given a chance to be educated because culture shame can stand in the way. This is something I hope to bring, let them know that there is no shame in educating oneself.

Last night Andrea came over for dinner which we had been planning for a while and I was so excited that they were so happy to have someone over and we got to eat! They feed us until literally we could stuff no more food into our mouths and it was painful. They love when people come over and love to see that I am happy in their home. After we were done stuffing our faces it was about 9 and Julie Niko and I walked Andrea home. It was the first time I had ever been out on the street pass seven in the evening. It was a bit weird and felt a little unsafe. ( This is NOT to say that I don't feel safe, but when they mean that women are not supposed to be out nor are they out pass dark hours they mean it!) So we got to Andrea's house and her sister and Parents were still up. And of course when you go into any Albanian home you can't just wave hi and go on your way they insist that you go inside and stay awhile so we did just that. And even if you had dinner they don't care they want you to eat what they give you! So Andrea started entertaining because that is what she does in order to get fed. They ask her to do something such as the splits and they feed her! ( the joke) And of course they wanted to see what I had up my sleeve and boy I didn't live up to what they had in mind or at least I should have left it at that. I gave them some laughs lets just say as I tried to stand on my head and fall. They love it though because no matter what I do they grab my cheeks and kiss me. ( So it's all good!) But then was I in for a treat because they wanted me to circle dance, but I did have some lessons so they were impressed. ( The circle dance is the famous Albanian dance which they can do for hours and hours, but yet there is only a few steps I like this.) So they blasted the music and I mean blasted because Albanians have two volumes its either off or full blast. And until ten in the evening we circle danced in their living room and had some good laughs!

Today is Saturday which means I get to sleep in... Not! This morning we had language class bright an early at 8 in the morning. Julie walked me hand in hand to school. For a minute I thought I was back in high school when my little sister had to wake me up because she was so eager to go to school it's the same situation here. Every night before I go to bed Julie and I discuss things from the day and what will happen tomorrow. So the bad thing is she knows my schedule and is the first face I see bright and early. ( Bless her heart really!) Lets just say she had to drag me to school today as I just wanted to lay in bed for one day and think about all the things that had been going on in my life here. But I got over that and went to school. Today we some how got out of a long day of class and ended earlier and I don't think Andrea and I could have been happier. I literally did jumping jacks because I was so happy. ( Yes this place has made me even more crazy in a good one!) After class our group headed to Cerrik to have some coke zero ( well that was my main reason) and catch some internet. We found a neat little place ( about time its week 5!) that has a couch like setting and you can get wireless internet and have your soda and escape to wherever for that period of time! After about two hours my brain was a bit wired from the internet so we headed home. My house dwindled as my Dad was at work, My mom and little brother had went for the night to visit some family. When I got home my grandma had met me outside with a little present. She had made me homemade socks/slippers! They are amazing I am so excited to wear them. Today we also had some cousins and a Aunt come by which is always fun to have new faces in the home. Most of the family that I meet know a bit of English so I am the first to sit close to them and learn about them.

Today Andrea and I headed into a local town called Librazh to visit some local volunteers. Some were meeting up to play some basketball and others to visit. It was just nice to get away on a nice Sunday afternoon and visit other volunteers and see what their towns were like. When I left my house most of my family were out doing there own thing so I didn't feel to guilty leaving them as I usually do. It was about an hour ride from our town to Librazh, but of course we stopped in Elbason to have some gelato. ( That is the new thing, I better watch it!) So we arrived there and Laura came out to meet us. This town is a bit bigger than Thane well who am I kidding anything is bigger than Thane because it's pretty much just a street. We sat down with a few other volunteers and had some coffee before heading over to the gym and watching the boys, Andrea, Susan, and Mere play some basketball. After their workout ( Nope I did not get involved in this game I just stick to running or soccer) we then took a nice walk across the Indiana Jones bridge ( yes it was like that!) then we sat up on a hill and overlooked the city. The view was unbelievable and such a nice day to share company with the others. These moments are the ones I want to freeze.

Tonight I went to Andrea's for dinner. ( There is so much to say of this night!) Sometimes I am so thankful for that language barrier because we just had the times of our lives as they yelled things at us and we sat there and laughed.There was an interesting man there ( we will use that word!) who was a husband of one of the girls and he was so interested in America and tried to use the few English words that he did know, but made no sense what so ever. ( We laughed and thought that's what we probably sound like!) Then he proceeded to show us how he could eat chicken through his gaps in his teeth. He was literally on trial for the circus. He was a riot in a strange way. But even minus all of that he was just interested in us. Andreas parents cooked a feast. They had served me a few types of meats that I wasn't interested in and I don't find it rude to tell them no- thank you even though at first it's not taken well. They think something is wrong with you if you don't literally ( I mean it!) lick your plate after a meal. And if you finish something they put the same thing right back on your plate. Constant refills. After that meal we did some circle dancing in the kitchen and they laughed as I attempted, but I am thinking I have two years to conquer that two stepped dance and when I do I won't stop. Andrea and I are on a mission to find a wedding before we leave Thane because I have heard it's an insane experience. It's a two day celebration one day for the girls family and the other for the boys. Each day usually goes on for about 8 hours of eating and circling dancing sometimes lasting until 4 in the morning. I can't wait!!!

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